Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Multi cultural day.

So I pick up my youngest son at daycare after work one day and before leaving his teacher says "don't forget, tomorrow is Multicultural day".

"Oh really" I reply "I did not know that, it sounds like fun, and what do the kids do for Multicultural day?"

"Yes, didn't you get the paper we sent home last week?" she said. "The children should bring something from their culture to share with the class, it doesn't have to be food, it can be anything, as long as they can share it with his class" she tells me happily.

Now, one of the important things we looked for in daycare is that their is a good mix of culture so the kids don't grow up sheltered and unaware of other peoples and customs. My wife went through school that way and professes that she was unprepared for the diversity of people in college.

When I got home, I told my wife about "Multicultural day" and she looked at me an asked "what do we send on such short notice?"

"I have no idea" I told her. "There are six other kids in his class , what can we send with him that's Jewish?" she asked. So then we both sat down at the kitchen table and started to brainstorm.

"got anything?" she asked

"nothing honey"

and then it hit me "I got it"

"We'll send him with $30 bucks"

"Thirty dollars? what for?"

"He can give them five bucks each! That's Jewish!"

We sent him to daycare with a dradle.

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