Friday, March 14, 2008

Oranges for juice

After work one day I raced over to the daycare to pick up the youngest of my three sons , then I raced off to the school to pick up the two older boys. I figured I can get some food shopping done before my wife comes home. I'm a good husband (my wife tells me). So I drag the three boys to the store, put the little one in the carriage and instruct the two older ones not to touch anything. We go up and down the aisles and of course they're touching everything we finally get to the produce section and I start the ritual of feeling oranges, smelling mangos, squeezing lemons and bagging fruit. The kids see me doing this and really want to help, I guess it looks like fun to them. So Koby (the middle one) says "Daddy, are these oranges good ?" as he holds one up.
"Those oranges are for juice" I tell him and I turn and move on to the grapes, as I bag the grapes and turn back to put them in to the carriage Koby is putting a bag of oranges in the carriage. "What are you doing?" I asked.
"Taking our oranges." he says.
"Our oranges??" I asked him "those oranges aren't so great for eating but they're good for juice". In a sarcastic voice he responds
"So, We're Jews!"

Note: in case you did not get it, read the story aloud.

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